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Hello my fellow  Entrepreneurs, some of you are guilty of not using CTAs. 

You keep posting amazing pictures but no one ever seems to want to comment, save or even share?

Have you thought about simply asking?

No seriously, even a simple call to action like, ‘what do you think about this?’ or 'who's here for this?' can create a lot of interaction on your post compared to just leaving it blank or filling it only with hashtags.

If you’re looking for people’s opinions, let them know that you’re looking for that! If you're on Instagram to make sales then you should get the gist!

What should you do differently?

Include an enticing call to action at the beginning of your caption onto somewhere at the end to create a discussion. 

Caption this, rate this pic 1-10, would you style this differently, tag your friends, etc. are some of the best performing basic call to actions you can include in your posts.

Let me know what you think, please share your thoughts

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