Unlawful Post-Retirement Contract for Commissioner General of GRA Causes Tension


The Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), a crucial government body responsible for collecting and managing the country's revenue, is at the center of a controversy surrounding an allegedly illegitimate post-retirement contract. Professor Ransford Gyampo, a renowned political science scholar, has voiced his concerns over the matter in a direct appeal to President Nana Akufo-Addo.

According to Professor Gyampo, the post-retirement contract awarded to the Commissioner General, which allows them to continue in their position even after they have reached the mandatory retirement age, is in violation of Ghanaian law. The professor argues that such contracts are only allowed in exceptional circumstances, and only with the approval of the Public Services Commission. In this case, however, it appears that no such approval was obtained.

The issue has caused significant tension within the government and among the public, as many are questioning the legality of the contract and the motivations behind it. Some have raised concerns that the contract is part of a larger effort to undermine Ghana's democratic institutions and institutions, while others see it as an attempt to perpetuate corruption and undermine the rule of law.

The Commissioner General of the GRA holds a critical position of responsibility, and their actions have far-reaching implications for the country's economy and finances. As such, the controversy surrounding their post-retirement contract is of great concern to many, and the situation demands an urgent resolution.

President Akufo-Addo has a crucial role to play in addressing this issue. The president must ensure that the law is upheld and that the contracts awarded to public servants are in compliance with all relevant regulations. The public deserves to know that their government is committed to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding the post-retirement contract for the Commissioner General of the GRA highlights the importance of rigorous oversight and adherence to the rule of law in all government contracts. Ghanaians deserve to have confidence in the institutions that serve them, and
it is the duty of the president and all public servants to ensure that this confidence is not eroded. It is our hope that President Akufo-Addo will take the necessary steps to address this matter and restore confidence in the government and its institutions.


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